Result of combining Scalp Micro Pigmentation and Hair restoration

What happens if you combine 2 independent, but fantastic techniques to solve hair problems?

Combining hair transplantation and Scalp Micro Pigmentation (SMP)

In this blog we would like to continue the story of one our our patients that we performed a hair transplant on in August 2012. Here is the initial link to the story blog of this patient. (before pictures)

The patient came to us as a Norwood 6 hair loss level, meaning that he lost virtually all hairs in the hairline, top and crown area.  Our plan : low density implantation over a large area, combined with his SMP.

Since the patient already had a darkened skin tone because of the SMP the illusion of hair works even better when combined with a hair transplantation. We believe that the result of combining both techniques on patients with advanced hair loss will ultimately give much more result than performing just one of both treatments.

Result after 5 months : Combination of hair restoration and Scalp Micro Pigmentation

5 months after the treatment the patient (from Italy) send us some update pictures. Since a hair transplantation takes 12 months to fully mature we expect an even better result in another 5 or 6 months.

Find out more about Scalp Micro Pigmentation


Anoniem zei…
That's interesting, I had never heard of combining scalp pigmentation and hair transplants before, but it makes sense.